The Czech Educational Research Association (CERA/ČAPV) is a professional organization whose mission is to improve the quality of education through educational research, to promote the exchange of information among educational researchers, and to disseminate the findings of educational research and highlight their contribution to practice. Educational research can be defined in a broad, interdisciplinary sense – as any research activity in teaching, learning and education.
- CERA is a member of the European Educational Research Association (EERA)
- CERA is also a member of the Council of Scientific Societies of the Czech Republic at the Czech Academy of Sciences (RVS)
CAPV Conference 2025 – Development and Perspectives: Research and Education in the 21st Century
The context of education has undergone fundamental changes in recent decades, both locally and globally. Schools and other educational institutions bear significant social responsibility in co-shaping future generations and thus perform a variety of societal functions. In addition to supporting the development of various literacies and competencies, schools and other educational institutions also help cultivate the ability to critically reflect on current events in the context of historical experiences. At the same time, they anticipate perspectives on future developments and are influenced by changes in a variety of factors, including technological ones. Technology brings new impulses for education and for the learning of both children and adults. However, technology also affects the development of knowledge in various pedagogical fields, and as a result, the methodology of research is evolving. High expectations are thus directed both towards educators – teachers in schools, academic staff at universities – and towards researchers, who continue to professionally develop while inevitably addressing a range of ethical dilemmas related not only to the development of technologies in a changing world.